
Allplan bim 2014
Allplan bim 2014

allplan bim 2014

Liston, BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors, second ed., 2011, 648p, ISBN 978-7-1.

allplan bim 2014

Discussed are also the scope of the approach, envisaged perspectives and further development efforts. The paper outlines the broader research aim that triggered the development of the suggested approach and presents the overall concept and methodology, the ICT platform under implementation and the current state of the work. This process undergoes two major stages: (1) Anamnesis, dedicated to the survey and collection of facts about the building, and (2) Diagnosis, dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of the collected facts to obtain the necessary understanding of the building and its performance and prepare for the retrofitting design. It implies a process we define as BIMification. In this paper we propose a structured approach towards the creation of a building information model of an existing building and its use for the purpose of retrofitting or renovation, based on the standard IFC specification (ISO 16739). The strong societal needs to improve the quality and the overall performance of the existing building stock, especially with regard to energy use, are yet insufficiently supported by BIM. However, BIM methodology is still mainly developed and applied for new building projects. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is rapidly advancing as an efficient new approach to cooperative building design and construction.

Allplan bim 2014